certified virtual presenter

This certification tells my customers that I have the equipment, environment and skills to deliver a great remote presentation to their online audience.eSpeakers has taken the guesswork out of selecting a presenter for a remote presentation over Zoom, WebEx, GoToMeeting, etc.Certified Virtual Presenters have demonstrated their lighting, audio, and technical ability to one of the eSpeakers certifiers. They've tested and recorded my bandwidth and even captured a video of me in virtual action so that you can see it for yourself.This certification is supported by industry leaders such as Meeting Professionals International, Smart Meetings and senior Planners Industry Network.


Experience Seamless Virtual Engagements with Shemeka Brathwaite


Virtual Keynotes and Training Sessions:

Whether you prefer a live, hybrid, or prerecorded format, Shemeka offers dynamic virtual keynotes and training sessions tailored to meet your specific needs. We understand the importance of creating an engaging and visually appealing experience for your audience.


Prerecorded Programs:

Our team of experts can fully produce and edit the program in a professional studio using state-of-the-art cameras and audio equipment. Alternatively, if you have your own media team, we can provide raw footage for their editing convenience. During the broadcast, we can also facilitate real-time live chat, ensuring an interactive experience.


Live Events:

For live events, we offer flexible options. Shemeka is an advanced user and a certified virtual presenter with Zoom, equipped to host your event on her own platform if suitable for the group size. Alternatively, she can seamlessly utilize your preferred platform or any major video, hybrid, or virtual conferencing tools. To ensure smooth execution, we recommend assigning a dedicated tech support person to collaborate with Shemeka.


Training Sessions:

Shemeka's training sessions are designed to captivate your audience and foster meaningful connections. By incorporating interactive icebreakers, compelling slides, live polling with visually dynamic results, engaging chats, coaching "hot seats," breakout rooms, and executive round tables, participants will feel fully engaged and personally connected throughout the session.



In virtual presentations, the background plays a vital role in creating a captivating and immersive experience. We understand the significance of selecting the right background to align with your theme, audience, and desired outcome. Shemeka will work closely with you to explore various options, ensuring a visually stunning and impactful presentation. By optimizing the viewing experience for desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices, your audience will feel fully immersed in the content.


At Shemeka's virtual engagements, we strive to deliver seamless and transformative experiences. Contact us today to discuss your program and explore the possibilities. Together, let's create an unforgettable virtual event that exceeds your expectations.






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certified virtual presenter
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